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Restylane® Eyelight Lidocaine (1 Syringe x 0.5mL) - Filler Lux™ - DERMAL FILLERS - Galderma

Restylane® Eyelight Lidocaine (1 Syringe x 0.5mL)


Restylane® Eyelight is a new hyaluronic acid-based filler specifically designed to treat dark circles and under-eye shadows caused by a lack of volume. The tear trough treatment is used to restore volume and lift the area under the eyes while brightening the look for a refreshed and less tired appearance. Furthermore, it helps to reduce dark shadows and evens the skin tone. Restylane® Eyelight provides natural-looking and long-lasting results in up to 6 months and the treatment requires no recovery time. 

Restylane® Eyelight is the newest addition to the popular Restylane range and is based on Galderma’s NASHA® gel technology for optimal lifting effects. In addition, it contains lidocaine to ensure a more comfortable treatment for the patient.

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