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Filler Lux™

Novacutan SBio (1 Syringe x 2mL)


 Novacutan SBio is a biorevitalizant produced by the French company Laboratories FIJIE. It is designed for biorevitalization and bioreparation procedures in patients aged 35 and older. This innovative treatment achieves rapid rejuvenation by simultaneously addressing both internal and external factors of skin aging. The overall result includes wrinkle smoothing, skin tightening, hydration, a lifting effect, and a healthy, radiant appearance. The product is administered subdermally using the bolus technique.

Composition and Features of Novacutan SBio:

The primary components of Novacutan SBio are pure amino acids integrated with hyaluronic acid, creating a unique complex known as Hyaluronat Opticaly Pure Amino Acid Bond (HOPAAB). The formulation includes hyaluronic acid at a concentration of 15 mg/ml and a complex consisting of glycine, methionine, valine, proline, threonine, glutamic acid, phenylalanine, and arginine. Compared to Novacutan YBio, Novacutan SBio has a higher concentration of amino acids (0.0248 mg/ml). The HOPAAB complex stimulates specific signaling molecules that regulate skin physiology, restoring it to the level of young, active cells.

Efficacy of Novacutan SBio Biorevitalizant:

Novacutan SBio is intended for patients aged 35 and older, effectively addressing noticeable signs of all age-related skin changes. It has a pronounced lifting effect and is also used for preparation and recovery after laser procedures, plastic surgeries, and peels. Results are noticeable after the first procedure and gradually increase. To consolidate the results, a course of treatment is recommended, typically consisting of 3 injections administered at 2-week intervals. The duration of the course will be determined by our clinic's doctors based on the patient's tissue condition and individual characteristics. The effect of Novacutan SBio lasts up to 4-6 months.

Indications for Novacutan SBio:


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