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Liztox 100u - Filler Lux™ - Botulinumtoxin - Huons

Liztox 100u


Liztox is a highly-purified clostridium botulinum toxin type A for correction and preventive care of mimic wrinkles. Due to inhibition of signaling between muscles and motor nerves, the product acts as a myorelaxant and is used for the control of dynamic wrinkles. The levelling effect of Liztox is reached by the correction of both, small and deep wrinkles. Applying regularly, the product effectively prevents formation of new folds. In addition, Liztox may be used for the treatment of increased diaphoresis via injections at the perspiratory gland localization (palms, axillas, footsteps). The apparent benefit is the local effect of the drug at the injection area that allows to correct cosmetical defects or provide a treatment (at hyperhydrosis) pointwise, without any side effects on the whole body.  

Strengths of Liztox:

Scope of Liztox:

Product composition: botulinum toxin type A, Human serum albumin 0.5mg, Sodium chloride 0.9mg

Liztox 100ui

Weight: 30g

Volume: 1 vial, 100 units

Manufacturer:  Huon's Global Co., Ltd., South Korea

The product has contraindications and can only be used by a certified cosmetologist. We are not responsible for the negative consequences of self-use.

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